Abstract Guidelines

Abstracts must be submitted electronically in English using the WFITN2019 website before May 10, 2022
Please follow carefully the instructions for the abstract layout and submission:
• After you create your account in the on-line registration system you can submit your abstract
• Please specify the abstract title.

The title must begin with a capital letter and be followed by lower case letters. Use capital and lower case letters as appropriate for abbreviations in title (e.g.: CSP)
The title is limited to a maximum of 500 characters.
• Please provide the data of the co-authors (name, affiliations). Ensure that all author information is included and entered correctly.
• Please provide the abstract body text. The body text is limited to a maximum of 3000 characters.

The body must be divided into four sections.
• Purpose – a brief statement of the report’s purpose
• Materials and Methods – numbers of subjects, procedures performed, analysis, methods
• Results – major findings (for case reports these last two sections are replaced by summary of cases(s)
• Conclusion – one or two sentences statement resulted from the report
• Please save your work before logging off

You can save your work by clicking on the “Save abstract and submit later” button. As long as you do not submit the abstract it can be edited and revised online as many times as needed before May 10, 2019.

Submitters will be notified if their abstract has been accepted before 30/06/2019.
Presenting authors are required to register for the congress. No funding is provided for submitters. Any presenter not registered by 10 July 2022 will not have his abstract included in the program.
The decision of accepting or not the abstracts is at the Scientific Program Committee discretion
Accepted abstracts will be published in a Supplement of Interventional Neuroradiology. English is the official meeting language.
